Friday, May 9, 2014

Custom queries III: MySQL

Ok, we saw how to connect to an SQLite database in Python. Now let's see MySQL. There's only a small difference in syntax, but it's significant. The steps, however, are the same.

Import the library
import MySQLdb as ms

Note: The as specifies an alternate name for the library. In this case, I won't have to type MySQLdb again and again. I'll just type ms.

Establish a connection
conn = ms.connect (host, username, password, database_name)

If you're running this on a machine, normally host is localhost. You'll have to create a root user, which you'll have to see how to do in your particular OS on the Internet. Provide that username and password. Then execute the command create database db_name and use this database as the fourth field.

Exhausted? So am I. I know it's a lot of effort, but trust me, the results are totally worth it.

Create a cursor as usual
cur = conn.cursor ()

Remember I said %s doesn't work in SQLite? Well, that's the only thing that works here. Let's write a query.

query = "select name from employee where empid = %s" % empid

Now, empid is an integer, but you still have to pass is as a string. Assume empid is 1234. The query then becomes:
select name from employee where empid = 1234

Let's look at a query where we need to pass a string.
query = "select empid from employee where name = '%s'" % name

Notice the difference? %s from the first query is replace by '%s' in the second. Assume name is Douglas. The query now becomes:
select empid from employee where name = 'Douglas'

Don't worry if you're confused, go through the paragraph once again. Let it sink in.


Ok, the rest is pretty much the same.

cur.execute (query)
for row in cur.fetchall ():
    print row[0]

for row in cur: in SQLite is replaced by cur.fetchall (): in MySQL.

Alternatively, you can also use cur.fetchone () if you're sure only one row is going to be returned (for primary keys) or just want it that way.

Hope I didn't miss anything. If I did, please comment. The remaining things are the same for both SQLite and MySQL. Don't forget to commit and close the connection once the job is done.

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